1 tesis:María Victoria Axelrad Tinoco:
Fabricación por Filamento Fundido de andamios porosos de circona para la reparación de defectos óseos expuestos a altas cargas compresivas.
(en realización)
1 artículo:Herranz, G., Hidalgo, J., Axelrad, V., Delgado-Pujol, E. J., Berges, C., Naranjo, J. A., ...& Torres, Y. (2024). Design and manufacturing by fused filament technique of novel YSZ porous grafts infiltrated with PCL/PVA/AgNPs for large bone defects repairing.Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 29, 3393-3408.
11 eventos:
- II Congreso Nacional en Materiales Avanzados, Zaragoza, España. Oral:.Impresión 3D de Implantes Porosos Infiltrados con Polímeros Biodegradables Para un Mejor Equilibrio Biomecánico-Biofuncional
- 1st European School on Advanced Materials, Gandía, España. Oral:Additive manufacturing of YSZ scaffolds for bone tissue engineering by Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF)
- curso especializado de la European Ceramic Society (EcerS). Solo asistencia
- XVIIIthConference of the European Ceramic Society. Lyon, Francia. Oral:Effect of architecture topology on the properties of YSZ scaffolds for bone regeneration by filament extrusion 3D printing
- AM4LIFE Summer School, Uppsala, Suecia. Póster:Additive Manufacturing for the fabrication of ceramic bone scaffolds with tailored biomechanical and biofunctional properties
- Congreso Nacional de Pulvimetalurgia CEIPM2023, Donostia, España. Póster: Uso de la técnica de fabricación por filamento fundido para obtener implantes óseos porosos tridimensionales con un mejor equilibrio biomecánico-biofuncional
- Workshop on Additive Biofabrication WAB2024, Madrid, España. Oral:Tailoring Mechanical and Antimicrobial Properties of 3D-Printed Implant Architectures for Enhanced Orthoregeneration
- Congreso Nacional de Materiales CNMAT 2024, Málaga, España. Oral: Impresión 3D de Implantes Porosos Infiltrados con Polímeros Biodegradables Para un Mejor Equilibrio Biomecánico-Biofuncional
- Jornadas Avances interdisciplinarios en salud: convergencia entre biotecnología y materiales avanzados, Toledo, España. Solo asistencia.
- S4i 2024: Science for Industry, Madrid, España.Solo asistencia
- Participación en el concurso 3 Minutes Thesis (3MT), Albacete, Toledo. Oral: IMPRESIÓN 3D DE IMPLANTES DE HUESO
1tesis: Alicia Morcillo Mora
Materiales blandos con aplicación en robótica blanda
- A. López-Díaz, A. S. Vázquez, E. Vázquez,Hydrogels in Soft Robotics: Past, Present, and Future, ACS Nano, 2024, 18, 32, 20817–20826.PMC11328171
- G. Herranz J. Hidalgo, V. González-Velázquez, J.A. Naranjo, C. Berges, E. Vázquez,Towards mass production of graphene-reinforced inconel 718 by powder injection moulding,Results in Engineering,2024, 22, 102233.
- M. Carlin, J. Kaur, D. Ciobanu, Z. Song, M. Olsson, T. Totu, G. Gupta, G. Peng, V. González-Velázquez, I. Janica, V. Fuster Pozo, S. Chortarea, M. Buljan, T. Buerki-Thurnherr, A. Del Rio Castillo, S. Thorat, F. Bonaccorso, A. Tubaro, E. Vázquez, M. Prato, A. Armirotti, P. Wick, A. Bianco, B. Fadeel, M. Pelin.Hazard Assessment of Hexagonal Boron Nitride and Hexagonal Boron Nitride Reinforced Thermoplastic Polyurethane Composites Using Human Skin and Lung Cells,Journal of Hazardous Materials,2024, 134686.
- A. Lacueva-Aparicio, V. J. González Velázquez, A. R. Remacha, D. Woods, E. Prado, I. Ochoa, O. Sara, E. VázquezA microphysiological system for handling graphene related materials under flow conditions,Nanoscale Horizons,2024, 990 – 1001.
- Hazel Lin, Tina Buerki-Thurnherr, Jasreen Kaur, Peter Wick, Marco Pelin, Aurelia Tubaro, Fabio Candotto Carniel, Mauro Tretiach, Emmanuel Flahaut, Daniel Iglesias, Ester Vázquez, Giada Cellot, Laura Ballerini, Valentina Castagnola, Fabio Benfenati, Andrea Armirotti, Antoine Sallustrau, Frédéric Taran, Mathilde Keck, Cyrill Bussy, Sandra Vranic, Kostas Kostarelos, Mona Connolly, José Maria Navas, Florence Mouchet, Laury Gauthier, James Baker, Blanca Suarez-Merino, Tomi Kanerva, Maurizio Prato, Bengt Fadeel and Alberto Bianco.Environmental and Health Impacts of Graphene and Other Two-Dimensional Materials: A Graphene Flagship Perspective.ACS Nano2024,18, 6038-6094.
- J. M. Galindo,M. I. San-Millán,C. A. Castillo-Sarmiento,I. Ballesteros-Yáñez,E. Vázquez,S. Merino,M. A. Herrero,Optimization of 3D Synthetic Scaffolds for Neuronal Tissue Engineering ApplicationsChem. Eur. J.2024,30, e202302481.
- Giuseppe Di Mauro, Viviana Jehová González, Francesco Bambini, Silvia Camarda, Eduardo Prado, Juan Pedro Holgado, Ester Vázquez, Laura Ballerini, and Giada Cellot.MoS2 2D materials induce spinal cord neuroinflammation and neurotoxicity affecting locomotor performance in zebrafish.,Nanoscale Horiz.,2024, 9, 785-798
- M. Isabel Lucío,F. Giacalone,V. La Parola,S. Gámez-Valenzuela,F. Muñoz-Alba,M. C. Ruiz Delgado,M. A. Herrero,E. Vázquez,A Prato Tour on Carbon Nanotubes: Raman Insights,Chem. Eur. J.2023,29, e202302476
- I. Sánchez-Ajofrín,C. M. Andreu,J. M. Galindo,I. San-Millán,S. Merino,A. J. Soler,M. A. Herrero,E. Vázquez,A Biomimetic Follicle-Based Design for Engineering Reproductive Technologies,Adv.Funct. Mater.2023, 2310787.
- J. M. Galindo,I. San-Millán,C. A. Castillo-Sarmiento,I. Ballesteros-Yáñez,M. A. Herrero,S. Merino,E. Vázquez,Mimicking the extracellular matrix by incorporating functionalized graphene into hybrid hydrogels,Nanoscale,2023, 15,14238-14248
- S. García-Carpintero, V. Jehová González, J. Frontiñán-Rubio, A. Esteban-Arranz, E. Vázquez, M. Durán-Prado,Screening the micronucleus assay for reliable estimation of the genotoxicity of graphene and other 2D materials,Carbon,2023, 118426.
- Title: Functional Organic Polymers. Author: Ester Vázquez, Name of conference: 1st Iberian Symposium on Functional Organic Polymers, Aveiro, Portugal, 11th-12th May 2023.
- Title: 2D MATERIALS FOR 3D FUNCTIONAL SOFT STRUCTURES.Author: Ester Vázquez, Name of conference: XXXIX Reunión Bienal de la Sociedad Española de Química, Zaragoza, Spain, 25th-29th June 2023.
- Title: Author: Ester Vázquez, Name of conference: Invited talk at CSIC (Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología de Polímeros), Madrid, Spain, 28th February 2023.
- Title: Graphene Hydrogel Hybrids as On-Off Drug Delivery Systems. Author: Ester Vázquez, Name of conference: Workshop Small but mighty: what can nanomaterials do for personalized medicine, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Madrid, Spain, 13th March 2023.
- Title: 2D Materials for 3D Smart Soft Structures. Author: Ester Vázquez, Name of conference: 35rd International Winterschool on Electronic Properties of Novel Materials, Kirchberg/Tirol, Austria, 19th-24th March 2023.
- Title: New Palette of Smart Materials for Soft Robotics Applications. Author: Ester Vázquez, Name of conference: Nanospain2023 Conference, Tarragona, Spain, 25th-28th April 2023.
- Title: New Palette of Smart Materials for Soft Robotics Applications. Author: Ester Vázquez, Name of conference: Nanospain2023 Conference, Trieste, Italy, 19th-20th September 2023.
- Title: Carbon Nanomaterials as versatile platform for biological applications. Author: María Antonia Herrero Chamorro, Name of conference: Small but mighty: what can nanomaterials do for personalized medicine, UC3M.Campus of Leganés, Madrid, Spain, 13thMarch 2023
- Title:Hydrogels for neural tissue applications: the role of graphene and SPIONsOral contribution. Author: Irene San Millán Rodriguez.Name of the conference: XVIII Young Science Symposium, 3rd-5thof July 2024, Ciudad Real
- Title:Advancements in self-healing soft materialsOral contribution. Author:Alicia Morcillo Mora.Name of the conference:XVIII Young Science Symposium, 3rd-5thof July 2024, Ciudad Real.
- Title:Optimizing Hydrogel Systems for Engineering Reproductive TechnologiesFlash contribution. Author:Laura López.Name of the conference:XVIII Young Science Symposium, 3rd-5thof July 2024, Ciudad Real.
- Title:Enhancing Wastewater Treatment with High Metal-Adsorbing Polymeric HydrogelFlash contribution. Author: Carlos Martín.Name of the conference: XVIII Young Science Symposium, 3rd-5thof July 2024, Ciudad Real
- Title:Design and application of novel soft materials in soft roboticsOral contribution. Author: Francisco Javier Patiño.Name of the conference: XVIII Young Science Symposium, 3rd-5thof July 2024, Ciudad Real.
OF GRAPHENE 3D PRINTED HYDROGELSFlash contribution. Author:Juan Alcaide.Name of the conference: XVIII Young Science Symposium, 3rd-5thof July 2024, Ciudad Real.
- Title: Optimizing Hydrogel Systems for Engineering Reproductive TechnologiesPoster contribution.Author: Laura López.Name of the conference:1st International Workshop on Biotechnology for Applied Life Sciences, 7th of June 2024, Granada
- Title: Graphene-Enhanced 3D Printed Hydrogels. A Study of the Rheological Properties and PrintabilityPoster contribution.Author: Juan Alcaide.Name of the conference: 1st International Workshop on Biotechnology for Applied Life Sciences, 7th of June 2024, Granada
- Title:A Biomimetic Follicle-Based Design for Engineering Reproductive Technologies (Part 1)Poster contribution. Author: Carlos Martín.Name of the conference: 1st International Workshop on Biotechnology for Applied Life Sciences, 7th of June 2024, Granada
- Title:Tissue engineering applications of chitosan hydrogels.Oral contribution. Author:Irene San Millán Rodriguez.Name of the conference: II Simposio Programa interuniversitario de Química Sostenible, 22-24 Mayo 2024, Ciudad Real
- Title:Development Of Innovative Hydrogels: Anti-Drying And Self-Healing Properties For Soft Robotics.Oral contribution. Author:Alicia Morcillo Mora.Name of the conference: II Simposio Programa interuniversitario de Química Sostenible, 22-24 Mayo 2024, Ciudad Real
- Title:Exploring the potential of self-healing hydrogels for pressure detection with EIT technology.Oral contribution. Author:Francisco Javier Patiño.Name of the conference: II Simposio Programa interuniversitario de Química Sostenible, 22-24 Mayo 2024, Ciudad Real
- Title: Development and Characterization of Novel Hybrid Hydrogels for Enhanced Adsorption of Heavy Metal IonsOral contribution.Author: Carlos Martín Andreu.Name of the conference: II Simposio Programa interuniversitario de Química Sostenible, 22-24 Mayo 2024, Ciudad Real
- Title:Chitosan hydrogels for tissue engineering.Poster contribution. Author:Irene San Millán Rodriguez.Name of the conference: XIX Escuela Nacional de Materiales Moleculares, 10-14 de Marzo de 2024, Almuñecar (Granada).
- Title:Advanced Hydrogels for Soft Robotics: Autonomous Self-Healing and Anti-Drying Capabilities.Poster contribution. Author:Alicia Morcillo Mora.Name of the conference: XIX Escuela Nacional de Materiales Moleculares, 10-14 de Marzo de 2024, Almuñecar (Granada).
- Title:Design of highly conductive stretchable electrodes.Poster contribution. Author:Francisco Javier Patiño.Name of the conference: XIX Escuela Nacional de Materiales Moleculares, 10-14 de Marzo de 2024, Almuñecar (Granada).
- Title:Improvement of Oocyte Maturation Through a Bilayer Hydrogel SystemPoster contribution.Author:Carlos Martín Andreu.Name of the conference: XIX Escuela Nacional de Materiales Moleculares, 10-14 de Marzo de 2024, Almuñecar (Granada).
- Title:DESIGN OF AUTONOMOUS SELF-HEALING HYDROGELS.Poster Contributions. Author: Alicia Morcillo Mora.Name of the conference: XI Jornadas doctorales de la UCLM (24th November 2023)
- Title:Bilayer Hydrogel-Based 3D Cell Culture for Enhanced Oocyte Maduration.Poster Contributions. Author: Carlos M. Andreu, Irene Sánchez-Ajofrín, Josué M. Galindo, Irene San-Millán, Sonia Merino, Ana Josefa Soler, M. Antonia Herrero, Ester Vázquez.Name of the conference: XI Jornadas doctorales de la UCLM (24th November 2023)
- Title:A Biomimetic Follicle-Based Design for Engineering Reproductive Technologies.Oral Flash communication. Author: Carlos M. Andreu, Irene Sánchez, Sonia Merino and Ester Vázquez.Name of the conference: II Congreso Nacional de Materiales Avanzados (AMatS 2023) (13-15th November 2023)
- Title:Bilayer Hydrogels for Improved Oocyte Maturation.Oral communication. Author: Carlos M. Andreu, Irene Sánchez, Sonia Merino and Ester Vázquez.Name of the conference: Future Materials (23-25th October 2023)
- Title:Self-healing hydrogels for soft robotics.Oral communication. Author: Alicia Morcillo Mora, Francisco Javier Patiño, María Antonia Herrero, Ester Vázquez.Name of the conference: 1st European School on Advanced Materials (ESAM2023) (15-18th October 2023)
- Title:Chitosan hydrogels for biomedical applications.Flash Communication. Author:Irene San Millán Rodriguez.Name of the conference: XVII Young Science Symposium (10-12thJuly 2023)
- Title:Design and Characterization of Novel Hybrid Hydrogels for Efficient Adsorption of Heavy Metal Ions.Oral Communication. Author:Carlos Martín AndreuName of the conference: XVII Young Science Symposium (10-12thJuly 2023)
- Title:Hydrogels based on chitosan for 3D culture.Poster + Flash Contributions. Authors:Irene San Millán Rodriguez.Name of the conference: XXXIX Reunión Bienal de la Sociedad Española de Química (25-29thJune 2023)
- Title:Hydrogels and 3D Printing: Advancing Drug Delivery Methods.Poster Contributions. Authors:Carlos Martín Andreu, Sonia Merino Guijarro, Ester Vázquez Fernández-Pacheco.Name of the conference: XXXIX Reunión Bienal de la Sociedad Española de Química (25-29thJune 2023)
- Title:Hydrogel-based Drug Delivery Systems Fabricated by 3D PrintingPoster Contributions.Authors:Carlos Martín Andreu, Sonia Merino Guijarro, Ester Vázquez Fernández-Pacheco.Name of the conference:International Workshop on Sustainable Chesmistry (8-11thMay 2023)
- Title:Soft Thermoelectric Materials: Design of 3D Printed Hydrogels.Poster Contributions. Authors:Carlos Martín Andreu, Óscar Juan Dura, Ana López-Hazas Torres, Sonia Merino Guijarro, Ester Vázquez Fernández-Pacheco.Name of the conference: 3rd Iberian Thermoeletric Workshop (ITW-2023) (30-31stMarch 2023)
1 tesis:Antonio López Díaz del Campo
Soft Robotics With Hydrogels, Programa de doctorado en ciencias y tecnología aplicadas a la ingeniería industrial por la universidad de Castilla-La Mancha.
2 tesis:Jesús de la Morena Duque
[Título por determinar], Programa de doctorado en ciencias y tecnología aplicadas a la ingeniería industrial por la universidad de Castilla-La Mancha.
3 tesis:José García Delgado
[Título por determinar], Programa de doctorado en ciencias y tecnología aplicadas a la ingeniería industrial por la universidad de Castilla-La Mancha.
- Proprioception and Control of a Soft Pneumatic Actuator Made of a Self-Healable Hydrogel, Antonio López-Díaz Jesús De La Morena, Andrei Braic, Carlos Serna, Francisco Ramos, Ester Vázquez, and Andrés S. Vázquez.Soft Robotics. 2024
- Hyrogels in Soft Robotics: Past, Present, and Future.A López-Diaz, AS Vázquez, E Vázquez, ACS nano 18 (32), 20817-20826, 2024
Real-time control of a hydrogel-based soft actuator with proprioception and self-healing capabilities.Jesús DE LA MORENA1, Andrés S. VÁZQUEZ, Antonio LÓPEZ-DÍAZ.1st European School on Advanced Materials (ESAM2023)
Modular Bending Actuators Based on Self-x Properties of the CN-HydrogelJ De la Morena, A López-Díaz, F Ramos, I Payo, AS Vázquez
2024 IEEE 7th International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft), 243-248
Actuadores neumáticos blandos basados en hidrogeles inteligentes: avances hacia rigidez variable, De La Morena, J, Pérez, J.A., Ramos, F., Vazquez, A.S,Simposio de Robótica, Bioingeniería y Visión por Computador 2024
Smart materials in robotics and biomechanical applications,I Payo,1st Conference on Advanced Materials in Spain (AMatS2022)