Master's Degree in Teacher of Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Language Teaching

Rama de Social and Legal Sciences

Número de plazas
Places where the courses are taught

Academic Commission

In-Person Class Method


General Information

What´s New/ New
Admission Profile and Admission Criteria
Access and Registration




Sin información acerca del plan de estudios.
Lecturing Organisation
Support & Guidance
Prácticas externas

External internships in companies and institutions allow students to learn about the business and work reality of their environment, within their respective professions, and facilitate the transition to the job market.

The UCLM has the Employment Information and Promotion Center (CIPE) that helps our students and graduates prepare for their entry into the labor market through the development of skills, contacts with companies and institutions and the use of the appropriate tools. .

Finally, the UCLM has the UCLMEmprende program whose objective is to promote entrepreneurship among students and graduates.

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