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Material resources and services

The Polytechnic School of Cuenca is located in a newly-built independent building which has been designed and completed pursuant to Act 1/1994, of 24 May 1994, on Accessibility and Removal of Barriers in Castilla-La Mancha.

The material resources available at the Polytechnic School of Cuenca for the current qualification of Bachelor’s Degree in Building Engineering are those listed in the following link.

All of above-mentioned facilities are exclusively dedicated to this degree course, with the exception of the shared spaces and services of the centre, which are shared with other courses.

The review and servicing of the building’s infrastructures, as well as its installations, are carried out by EPC’s Infrastructures Committee and the Campus Infrastructure Management Office.

For ordinary maintenance and servicing tasks there is a computerised system application where reported incidents, their status and resolution are recorded. Ordinary incidents are managed by the services officer, or in his/her absence, the building officer: extraordinary requests are made by the centre’s management team.

The Infrastructures Committee, chaired by the Centre Director, is responsible for renewing the material resources, both in terms of installations and teaching-scientific equipment. The Committee, in addition to responding to and/or managing the requests and needs in terms of material resources and infrastructures of the centre, launches several annual tenders for renewing or purchasing teaching-scientific equipment.

Watch this video to view the facilities of the Polytechnic School of Cuenca:

The School and the UCLM offer leisure, support and guidance services. You can consult them by clicking the following link Support, Guidance and Services and on the relevant webpages of the UCLM.