
Composition and competencies

Its creation was proposed in the Department Council of April 10, 2015, replacing the Doctoral and Faculty Committees. Its creation was approved in the Department Council of 16/12/2015, and it was constituted as a collegiate body of ordinary management of the Department.


As members designated by the regulations, the Director, Deputy Director and Secretary of the Department shall be part of the Committee. As members, representatives of the rest of the Department, each area will designate whoever it deems appropriate, ensuring that, in any case, there are two members from each area with representation on the Board. The Director shall not have a casting vote.


The Standing Committee shall have the same term of office as the Department Director.


Being a management body, it may only deal with those functions that, being of this nature, are expressly delegated to it by the Board. Specifically, the following functions are contemplated:

  1. Approval of research stays, acceptance of visiting professors and, in general, stays of more than five days, which require the permission of the Department.
  2. Approval for the authorization of Proprietary Titles presented or in which members of the Department participate. In this case, it will be previously communicated to the rest of the members of the Council by e-mail and, if necessary and expressly requested, its approval will be discussed in the Council.
  3. Authorization to participate in European, national and regional projects in which the Principal Investigator belongs to another University.
  4. Renewal of associate and non-tenured faculty contracts at the request of the area. In no case shall it make decisions related to the announcement of permanent faculty positions.
  5. It will be in charge of the coordination tasks assigned to the Department for the purposes of the accreditation of Bachelor's and Master's Degrees by ANECA.

Since its renewal, approved at the Department Council of December 10, 2019, the composition of the Department's Standing Committee is as follows:

  • Department Director (Ms. Gabriela Lagos Rodríguez).
  • Deputy Director of the Department (Ms. Isabel Pardo García).
  • Secretary of the Department (Ms. Leticia Meseguer Santamaría).
  • Representative of the Statistics Area: Mr. Román Mínguez Salido.
  • Representative of the Economic Policy Area: Ms. Inmaculada Buendía Martínez.
  • Representative of the Public Finance Area: Mr. Antonio Olaya Iniesta.

Comisión de Igualdad: Composición y funciones

Se aprueba su creación en reunión de Consejo de Departamento de 19 de septiembre de 2023. La función principal de la Comisión de Igualdad del DEAI es la de contribuir a cumplimiento del Plan de Igualdad UCLM.

Su composición es la siguiente: 

  • María Gabriela Lagos Rodríguez. Directora del departamento.
  • María Soledad Castaño Martínez. Secretaria del departamento.
  • José Baños Torres. Área de Economía Política y Hacienda Pública. Campus de Albacete
  • Gregorio López Sanz. Área de Política Económica. Campus de Albacete.
  • Consolación Quintana Rojo. Área de Estadística Económica y Empresarial. Campus de Ciudad Real.
  • Miguel Ángel Galindo Martín. Área de Política Económica. Campus de Ciudad Real.
  • María Inmaculada Buendía Martínez. Área de Política Económica. Campus de Cuenca.
  • Cristina García Nicolás. Área de Economía Política y Hacienda Pública. Campus de Toledo.
  • Carolina Martín López. Área de Estadística Económica y Empresarial. Campus de Talavera de la REina.
  • José Guillermo Rodríguez Sánchez de la Nieta. P.I.F. Campus de Ciudad Real.
  • Juan José García Campoy. Estudiante. Campus de Albacete.
  • Sagrario Romero Marín. PTGAS. Campus de Albacete. 


Acceso Teams Comisión Igualdad

Strategy Committee: Composition and competencies

Its creation was approved at the Department Council meeting of November 17, 2020, being created as an advisory committee on the strategy to be taken by the Department with respect to the Contract Program applied by the UCLM. Its main function will be to advise on the implementation of actions aimed at maximizing the potential of the department in the Contract Program. Its composition, appointed by the management of the Department, is as follows:

  • Representative of the Statistics Area: Mr. Manuel Vargas Vargas.
  • Representative of the Economic Policy Area: Mr. Miguel Ángel Galindo Martín Inmaculada Buendía Martínez.
  • Representative of the Public Finance Area: Ms. Raquel Álamo Cerrillo.



Strategy Committee: Composition and competencies

Its creation was approved at the Department Council meeting of November 17, 2020, being created as an advisory committee on the strategy to be taken by the Department with respect to the Contract Program applied by the UCLM. Its main function will be to advise on the implementation of actions aimed at maximizing the potential of the department in the Contract Program. Its composition, appointed by the management of the Department, is as follows:

  • Representative of the Statistics Area: Mr. Manuel Vargas Vargas.
  • Representative of the Economic Policy Area: Mr. Miguel Ángel Galindo Martín Inmaculada Buendía Martínez.
  • Representative of the Public Finance Area: Ms. Raquel Álamo Cerrillo.