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Rama de Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas

Interuniversity Ph.D. Program in Physics and Mathematics.

Icono de la rama del estudio
Academic Commission
Juan Belmonte Beitia
Email: Juan.Belmonte@uclm.es
General Information
The Fisymat PhD programme is an inter-university programme with the University of Granada: 
This website details the specific issues related to the University of Castilla-La Mancha.
The objectives of this PhD program are the excellence research on different topics regarding Applied Mathematics to different sciences and engineering. It combines different aspects, from modeling, the theoretical study of the mathematical problem posed, mainly by means of differential equations and statistical models, numerical analysis, statistical analysis, etc. to even reach the manufacture of prototypes. 


At UCLM we have a long tradition in the development of theoretical tools for the treatment of real problems and in the study of real problems by means of different mathematical techniques, and it is in this spirit that the doctoral theses in our doctoral program are developed. In short, we offer a doctoral program of scientific excellence and in areas of scientific and social relevance that enables doctoral students to address real-world problems with mathematical tools.

The annual enrolement cost depends on the aplicable fees, aprobed by the Regional Government in Castilla-La Mancha. Click here to know the corresponding to the current academic year.
Research lines

These are the research lines offered in this PhD Program:

  • Computer Aided Design.

  • Design and Analysis of Experiments. 

  • Geometry of Subvarieties and Banach Spaces. 

  • Modeling in Materials and Environmental Sciences. 

  • Numerical Modeling of Biological and Geophysical Fluids. 

  • Models and Algorithms for Transportation Systems. 

  • Mathematical Oncology. 

  • Optimization and Variational Methods. 

  • Dynamical Systems. 

  • Linear Programming and Expert Systems.

Training activities


The International Doctoral School (EID-UCLM) organizes cross-disciplinary training courses with the aim of offering the doctorate students’ complementary training activities to his or her activity as a researcher. The offered activities can be taught through their doctoral studies. To check for more information:



Access and admision
The minimum legal requirements for admission to any of the doctoral programs are those specified in the section "Access for new doctoral students" in this link.
Specific procedures of the PhD program
All the procedures will be carried out by the international doctoral school (EID-UCLM), except:
  • Registration and request for certifications and degrees: Student Management Unit of the student's Campus. 

  • Application for admission and thesis deposit: Secretary of the Department to which the student's tutor belongs.



The general regulations of the International Doctoral School will be applied, which can be consulted at the following link:

Full members

  • Coordinator: Juan S. Soler Vizcaíno. 

  • Program Professor: Henar Herrero Sanz. 

  • Program Professor: María Rosario González Férez.

  • Professor of the Program: Pedro José Torres Villarroya.

  • Program Professor: Antonio Miguel Peralta Pereira.

  • Program Professor: José Carlos Bellido Guerrero.

  • Program Professor: Miguel Martín Suárez.

  • Member of the Steering Committee of the School of Doctoral Studies: Antonio García Casco.

  • Member of the administrative and service staff linked to the administrative management of the Program: José Balderas Cejudo.

  • Researcher in training of the Program: Luis Urrutia Matarín.

Alternate members

  • Professor of the Program: Almudena Zurita Muñoz.

  • Program Professor: José Luis López Fernández.

  • Researcher in training for the Program: Nicolás Tizón Escamilla.



Adequacy of the Offer

Percentage of newly enrolled students as a percentage of places offered.

Percentage of Ph.D. students from other Spanish universities.

Number of applications for admission to the PhD Program.

Number of newly enrolled PhD students.

al number of doctoral students enrolled.

Satisfaction degree of thedifferent collectives involved in the Phd Program.

Satisfaction Degree of the PhD enrolled students.

Satisfaction Degree of the Professors/Researchers.

Satisfaction Degree of the external collaborating institutions.

Satisfaction Degree of the Administration and Services Staff (PAS).

Satisfaction Degree of the PhD students participating in mobility programs.

Degree of satisfaction of graduates.

Degree of Internationalization.

Percentage of PhD students from foreign universities.

No. of international collaboration agreements signed.

No. of joint scientific contributions made with foreign researchers.

No. of foreign experts which participate in the PhD Program or in theses evaluations.

Percentage of theses with international mention and/or co-supervision over theses read.


No. of professors who participate in mobility programs.

Participation rate of doctoral students in mobility programs.


 Percentage of professors with active six-year periods or equivalent.

Evaluation of the scientific activity and its results.

Abandonment rate.

Rate of theses read in three years, for full-time students.

Rate of theses read in four years, for full-time students.

Rate of theses read in five years, for part-time students.

Number of scientific contributions made by doctoral students in their theses.

No. of extraordinary doctorate awards received by program PhD.

No. Of theses read by academic year.

Percentage of theses classified as “Cum Laude”

Percentage of doctoral students who obtain grants for post-doctoral contracts.

Employability. Rate of doctoral students who obtain employment appropriate to their training during the 3 years following the defense of the thesis.