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TREATY initiative

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TREATY initiative


    Start: 01 May 2023
Finish: 31 Dec 2023 
    Logo funded by UE           


  • Danish Technological University (DK)

  Programme: HEI Initiative      Logo EIT HEI INITIATIVE        



  • The Cyprus Institute (CY)
  • National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (NULES) (UA)
  • Institute of Entrepreneurship Development - iED (GR)
  • University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM) (ES)
Website:   https://treaty-project.eu/      Logo european eit          




The TREATY initiative aims to nurture European deep tech talents in sustainable green energy, clean and digital technologies through various strategies. It will develop support structures, improve student engagement activities, collaborate with EIT KICs, create structures for innovation-driven research, update Innovation & Entrepreneurship (I&E) curricula, assess teaching and learning practices, and establish a TechWatch structure to report trends in deep tech sustainable green energy and clean technologies. TREATY’s overarching objective is to achieve a mentality and practices shift in its Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) towards deep-tech innovation and contribute to the generation of the next European deep-tech talents in sustainable green energy and clean technologies. The target group of the project are: a) Students: Empower students with cutting-edge knowledge and hands-on experience in deep tech, sustainable green energy, and entrepreneurship through TREATY's transformative educational programs. b)Researchers: A dynamic network of innovators, entrepreneurs, and industry experts, collaborating to drive the deployment of deep tech solutions in sustainable green energy and clean technologies.


-Enhance structures (i.e. support offices) within HEIs to foster students’ deep tech & digital skills and facilitate I&E capacities. -Accelerate processes within HEIs to facilitate knowledge and innovation transfer to market and policymaking centers. -Foster collaboration between KIC & non-KIC members for knowledge and good practices exchange in sustainable green energy and clean technologies. -Create mechanisms for innovation-driven R&I resulting from collaboration with industry actors. -Design and deliver courses in deep tech sustainable green energy and clean technologies for students in any academic program and I&E courses focused on the broad energy sector. -Support continuous impact self-assessment of HEIs implemented IVAP by setting qualitative KPIs. -Establish a TechWatch structure reporting trends in sustainable green energy and clean technologies and bridging students with successful innovators.


