The Higher Technical School of Civil Engineering in Ciudad Real is a centre at the University of Castilla-La Mancha. It was created in 1998 for teaching the Civil Engineering degree for the academic year 1998/99 until 2015/16.
From adapting the Spanish university system to the European Space for Higher Education (EHEA) derived from the Bologna Declaration, our centre began a new degree in Civil and Territorial Engineering for training professions such as technical engineers for public works, and the Master´s in Civil Engineering which together make up the new educational framework for obtaining the professional skills for civil engineering.
Currently, the portfolio of degrees the school offers is as follows:
- Degree in Civil and Territorial Engineering (from the academic year 2010/11): official 4-year degree, adapted to obtaining the professional skills for becoming a technical engineer for public works. This degree has two specialisms: Transport and territory, and Hydrology.
- Master´s in Civil Engineering (from the academic year 2014/15): official 2-year degree, adapted to obtaining the professional skills for civil engineering.

The teaching activity at our school is based on harmonising the acquisition of theoretical knowledge for students and practical skills in order to strike a good balance between the training they receive and the professional work of future engineers. This teaching methodology translates into four-monthly courses for each of the main professional areas (structures, hydraulics, transport and town planning) as well as the mandatory end-of-degree thesis and End of Master´s thesis. Lastly, the " a la carté” specialisation for each student has been contemplated and nurtured by means of internships at Spanish companies as stays or full academic years spent at other European (Erasmus) and North American universities.
Another fundamental aspect of the training provided at the school is the multidisciplinary approach and practical aspect of teaching for which there is ample teaching staff both permanent ones and guests who come from different academic fields and professions. To complete the teaching programme, the School has adequate laboratory facilities, computer rooms and pilot plants.