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International Agreements

The rectors of the universities of Castilla - La Mancha and Texas State University, Julian Garde and Gene Bourgeois (20 December 2022)

International Agreements

The Vice-Rectorate for International Policy and Global Alliances is responsible for the management of international agreements, especially agreements that promote the internationalisation of academic services, the implementation of degrees with foreign universities, the promotion of language learning, as well as mobility agreements, distinguishing between the latter, Erasmus+ mobility agreements and own mobility programmes.

Model agreements
  • Annex to the Interinstitutional Agreement Erasmus+ 2021-2027  WORD    
  • Annex I Model Framework Agreement (Spanish-English)  WORD    
  • Annex II Model specific agreement (Spanish-English)  WORD    
  • Annex III Model Framework Agreement + Mobility Annex (Spanish-English)  WORD    
  • Annex IV Model agreement lectorate (Spanish-English) (Spanish-French)  WORD      WORD    
  • Annex V Model COIL agreement with fact sheet (Spanish-English)   WORD    
  • Annex VI Model agreement Study Abroad at UCLM (Spanish-English)  WORD    
  • Annex VII Model Renewal Protocol (Spanish-English)  WORD    
  • Annex VIII Model of denunciation of agreement (Spanish)  WORD    
Outlines of the processing procedure
Contact details