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Collaboration scholarships


Collaboration scholarships


Announcement of collaboration scholarships for the course 24-25

On May 30, Resolution of 25/05/2024 of the Secretary of State for Education has been published, by which 2,431 scholarships for collaboration in university departments are called for the academic year 2024-2025.

The bases of the call can be consulted in the following link: https://www.uclm.es/global/promotores/organos-de-gobierno/vicerrectorado-de-investigacion-y-politica-cientifica/convocatorias/conv-2024/becas-colaboracion-departamentos-ministerio

The endowment of the collaboration grant will be 2,000 euros.
The deadline for submitting applications will begin on June 11 and end on September 17, 2024, both inclusive.
