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Call for applications


Haga clic en cada imagen para acceder a su contenido

Call for English Language Assistants. Academic year 24-25

Tipo de convocatoria: Convocatoria

Colectivo de destino: $name

Fecha de inicio: 27/02/2024
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Call for English Language Assistants. Academic year 24-25

Tipo de convocatoria: Convocatoria

Colectivo de destino: $name

Fecha de inicio: 27/02/2024
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Call for English Language Assistants. Academic year 24-25

Tipo de convocatoria: Convocatoria

Colectivo de destino: $name

Fecha de inicio: 27/02/2024
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Call for ADRIT UCLM Spanish Bilingual Sections 2023/24

Tipo de convocatoria: Beca

Colectivo de destino:

10 study grants are announced on a competitive basis for incoming students for the first year of official undergraduate studies at the UCLM in the 2023/2024 academic year, from among those offered in Annex I of this call, for students who have completed pre-university studies in the Spanish Bilingual Sections of Bulgaria, China, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Romania and general secondary education institutions in Ukraine with the teaching of Spanish.

Fecha de inicio: 29/03/2023
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