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Proyectos Internacionales

Reporting to the Vice-Rectorate for International Policy and Global Partnerships, the International Projects unit is responsible for the management of Erasmus+ projects in collaboration with other universities, both national and international, which aim to promote cooperation, innovation, excellence and the internationalisation of institutions.

Our work consists of offering support during all the phases of the project cycle to the PDI collective of the University of Castilla-La Mancha interested in participating in these calls.

Browsing through our different sections you will find all the information and support you need for your Erasmus+ project, you can contact us through the means shown, preferably by email: proyectos.internacionales@uclm.es


Vicerrectorado de Política Internacional y Alianzas Globales

Campus Tecnológico, Fábrica de Armas

Avda. Carlos III, s/n – Edificio 31

45071 Toledo

Email: proyectos.internacionales@uclm.es


Jesús Sarrio Martínez 

Técnico II

Email: jesus.sarrio@uclm.es

Teléfono: +34926053212


Marta Vacas Arévalo

Técnico II

Email: marta.vacas@uclm.es

Teléfono: +34925539574