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Your University


t´s your experience that starts here. Here you start to become part of the future. Here you start to write history. Just where other great visionaries left off. Right here in a place in La Mancha, a great university awaits you, with spaces for you to think outside the box. To beat your own records and break through the limits of the world, mixing high technology with centuries of inspiration. It is here at the University of Castilla-La Mancha, where what your future will be begins.

And to mould that future there is a programme of studies that is competitive, demanding and adapted to the requirements of the most discerning professionals. And there are university campuses built on dynamism and modernity, history and heritage in Albacete, Ciudad Real, Cuenca and Toledo, as well as university sites in Talavera de la Reina (Toledo) and Almaden (Ciudad Real). There is a whole world to discover which you can find out about on our open days. Welcome to the UCLM. Come to the UCLM, the University of your life.

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