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Dr. Juan Ignacio Corcoles offers an interesting seminar within the Erasmus + program

Dr. Juan Ignacio Corcoles Tendero provides a seminar on computational fluid dynamics during your stay in Aveiro

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Dr. Juan Ignacio Corcoles Tendero provides a seminar on computational fluid dynamics during your stay in Aveiro


Dr. Juan Ignacio Corcoles Tendero, researcher belonging to the Renewable Research Institute has performed teaching assignment specified under the Erasmus+ programme at the Mechanical Engineering Department of the University of Aveiro in a short stay in May 2019.

He has taught one seminar to post grad students and grad students related to the following topics: Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) techniques.  General applications. Newtonian and Non-Newtonian fluids. Applications in food industry. Introduction to numerical simulations using ANSYS WORKBENCH. Practical examples related to fluid dynamics and thermodynamics. Also, he has  taught a lecture to grad students on the use of CFD techniques for solving convective heat transfer problems. Finally, he participated in a meeting with lecturers concerning the implementation of CFD studies on academic curriculum.
