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The Project entitled “ANALYSIS OF THE FOOD FLUIDS BEHAVIOR IN HEAT EXCHANGERS”, whose principal investigator is Juan Ignacio Córcoles Tendero

Research project of Juan ignacio Corcoles has been selected by Excma. Diputación Provincial de Albacete

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Research project of Juan ignacio Corcoles has been selected by Excma. Diputación Provincial de Albacete


The Project entitled “ANALYSIS OF THE FOOD FLUIDS BEHAVIOR IN HEAT EXCHANGERS”, whose principal investigator is Juan Ignacio Córcoles Tendero, researcher belonging to the Renewable Research Institute, has been selected to be supported by the “Excma. Diputación Provincial de Albacete”. It is inserted into an agreement program with Castilla -La Mancha University (UCLM), which pretend to support the researcher activity of young investigators in Albacete. This project is focused on to improve heat transfer efficiency in heat exchangers using fluid typically used in the food industry. The aim of this study is to analyse the flow behavior of food fluids, measuring their rheological characteristics, and to study the heat exchangers efficiency using experimental data and Computational Fluid Dynamic techniques (CFD).
