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From 28 to 30 June 2017, 10th National Congress of Thermodynamic Engineering (First International Congress of Thermodynamic Engineering) took place in Lleida and was organized by the GREA and the University of Lleida.

Participation of the Team in the X National Congress of Thermodynamic Engineering held in Lleida

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Participation of the Team in the X National Congress of Thermodynamic Engineering held in Lleida


From 28 to 30 June 2017, 10th National Congress of Thermodynamic Engineering (First International Congress of Thermodynamic Engineering) took place in Lleida and was organized by the GREA and the University of Lleida. Different team members have participated in the conference as speakers and, in some cases, as moderators.

In the photo, from the left to right: Rafael Salgado (Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico - Puerto Rico), Minerva Díaz, Juan Francisco Belmonte, Jose Antonio Almendros, Juan Ignacio Córcoles, David Rodríguez (RMIT University - Australia) and Jose Domingo Moya.

This Congress included speakers from different Spanish universities, as well as from different parts of the world, with different topics related to Thermodynamic Engineering.

The next edition of this congress (XI National Congress of Thermodynamic Engineering - Second International Congress of Thermodynamic Engineering) will be held in June 2019 in Albacete.
