According to the Resolution of 30/12/2024, of the University of Castilla-La Mancha, on the delegation of competences of the Rector in different matters and bodies, the Vice-Rectorate for International Policy and Global Partnerships is responsible for
1. The external projection of the corporate image of the UCLM and the promotion of its centres and its academic offer.
2. The dissemination and safeguarding of the historical-artistic, scientific-technical, tangible and intangible heritage of the University of Castilla-La Mancha, its museums and collections.
3. Any powers and competences attributed to the Rector in matters of official representation of the University before the public authorities and before all kinds of persons or public or private entities of the Toledo Campus, and the signing of agreements, where appropriate, provided that, due to the subject matter, the delegated competence for the signing of such agreements does not specifically correspond to another body of the University. However, in the latter case, the Vice-Rector for University Outreach may sign such agreements provided that a favourable report has been issued by the competent body for the subject matter in question.
4. The responsibilities, in coordination with the Management, of the management of the facilities for common use of the Toledo Campus.
5. In general, as many functions as are attributed to the Rector in the sphere of university outreach by current legislation, the University Statutes and other provisions that may be required by law.