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Walter Héctor Gonzáles Arnao focuses his research on the Peruvian woody wastes characterization and on its pelletization

Researcher from the National University of Engineering, Lima (Peru) stay in the biomass section of the IER for a predoctoral stay

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Researcher from the National University of Engineering, Lima (Peru) stay in the biomass section of the IER for a predoctoral stay


Walter Héctor Gonzales Arnao, a teacher at the National University of Engineering, Lima (Peru), is conducting a predoctoral stay in the biomass section of the IER under the supervision of the researchers Esperanza Monedero and Juan José Hernández. This stay has been funded by the “Mobilization in Science, Technology and Technological Innovation-Internships” program of the National Fund for Technological Scientific Development and Technological Innovation (FONDECYT) of Peru. This stay is part of the project entitled "Technical-experimental study on the characterization and use of residual woody biomass pellets as a versatile ecological fuel (solid or gaseous) to meet energy needs." The purpose of the work is to know the regulations, methodology and equipment necessary to carry out the determination of the physical-chemical properties of biomass and apply such knowledge for the characterization of residues of interest for the economic development of Peruvian Andean communities. In addition, a theoretical-experimental study of the pelletizing process of these wastes will be done.
