The International Doctoral School (EID-UCLM) organizes cross-disciplinary training courses with the aim of offering the doctorate students’ complementary training activities to his or her activity as a researcher. The offered activities can be taught through their doctoral studies. To check for more information:
Short Course. I+d+I Management.
Activity distributed between March-May of each year through 2-hour presentations given by PhD Program faculty (part-time students must choose to carry it out during one of their years enrolled in the PhD Program). Information is included on: general characteristics of R&D&I activities; guidelines for the design of research projects; knowledge transfer; UNE 166000 Standards for R&D&I management; invention patents; reporting, time and cost management; computer tools that facilitate project management.
Seminars. Researcher Skills.
(i) Design and writing of scientific reports.
(ii) Presentation of research papers.
(iii) Discussion of research papers.
(iv) Attendance at scientific conferences.
It will take place during the second semester of the first year of the doctoral program (first semester of the second year for part-time students).
Scientific Events and Dissemination of Research Results. Congresses and Scientific Publications.
This involves the student's attendance at national/international scientific events, presenting research work that constitutes part of his/her doctoral thesis, as well as the possible discussion of the results presented by other researchers. Its planning will be adapted to the events (and their nature) existing during each year of the doctoral program, so each tutor will collect from the thesis directors an annual list of scientific events to which the student is committed to attend, up to an estimated dedication of 30 hours, before the end of their training period, either full time (3 years) or part time (5 years). The tutors' reports will be sent to the Academic Committee of the Doctoral Program for final approval.
Expository Work. Elaboration and Exposition of the "Research Plan" of the Specific Research Topic of the Doctoral Thesis.
Written summary and oral presentation for a maximum of 20 minutes before the tutor and thesis directors in order to contribute to the presentation of the Research Plan, which must be approved by the Academic Committee of the Doctoral Program and ratified by the thesis director(s). It will be elaborated during the first two semesters of the first year of the doctoral program and will be presented at the end of the first year, both for full-time and part-time students, given the strategic importance of this activity within the Doctoral Program.
Short course. R+D+i management
Seminars. Investigator Skills.
Scientific Events and Dissemination of Research Results. Conferences and Scientific Publications.
Short stays (minimum 3 months) foreign research centres... (thesis international mention).
Symposium of the PhD Program in Chemistry. Preparation and Presentation of the "Research Plan or Annual Research Report" of the Specific Research Topic of the Doctoral Thesis.
Participation in the UCLM Doctoral Conferences.
Transversal activities programmed by the International Doctoral School of the UCLM.
NUMBER 1: Short Course. R+D+i management.
Required character.
Number of hours: 20
Basic data: Activity distributed between February-April of each year through 2-hour presentations given by the Program's faculty. Information is included on: general characteristics of R+D+i activities; guidelines for the design of research projects; knowledge transfer; UNE 166000 standards for R+D+i management; invention patents; reporting, time and cost management; computer tools that facilitate project management.
Competences: Contributes to obtaining the following competencies included in the Doctoral Program (section 2 of the Report): CB12, CA03, E1, E3. The student's dedication is 20 contact hours, which can be developed over 3 academic years for full-time students, or over 5 academic years for part-time students.
Detail of control procedures: By attendance at each of the sessions (50%) and a job at the end of the course (50%).
Mobility actions: No mobility actions are planned for this activity.
NUMBER 2: Seminars. Investigator Skills.
Required character.
Number of hours: 50
Basic data: It will take place every year, with the mandatory participation of the student enrolled in the doctoral program. The activities to be carried out by the students under the supervision of their directors or professors of the Doctoral Program will be: (i) Design and writing of scientific reports; (ii) Presentation of research papers; (iii) Discussion of research papers; (iv) Attendance at scientific conferences given by scientists from outside the UCLM.
Competences: Contributes to obtaining the following competencies included in the Doctoral Program (section 2 of the Report): CB11, CB12, CB15, CA01, CA02, CA06, E3. The student's dedication is 30 contact hours, which can be developed over 3 academic years.
Detail of control procedures: For student attendance at seminars (activity iv) and for the quality demonstrated by the student in the development of activities (i), (ii) and (iii). All of them will be scored by the thesis directors.
Mobility actions: These are activities of the Doctoral Program that do not provide for mobility actions, since they are complemented by activity no. 3 in which student mobility is essential. In this case it is a "training" activity to facilitate activity Nº. 3.
NUMBER 3: Scientific Events and Dissemination of Research Results. Conferences and Scientific Publications.
Required character.
Number of hours: 50
Basic data: This is the student's attendance at national/international scientific events, presenting research papers that constitute part of their doctoral thesis, as well as the possible discussion of the results presented by other researchers. Its planning will be adapted to the events (and their nature) existing during each year of the doctoral program, so each tutor will collect from the thesis supervisors an annual list of scientific events to which the student's attendance is committed, up to a Estimated dedication of 30 hours, before concluding their training period, either full-time (3 years) or part-time (5 years). The reports of the tutors will be sent to the Academic Committee of the Doctoral Program through the EID monitoring platform for final approval. Likewise, the preparation of a scientific article sent for publication in a JCR journal. It will be developed throughout the entire Doctoral Program.
Competitions: CB13, CB14, CB15, CA04, CA06, E2, E3.
Detail of control procedures: Book of abstracts of scientific events, as well as through certificates of attendance and presentation of communications that they issue. Regarding publications, the published article with its DOI. The thesis directors will evaluate the participation of each of their doctoral students in a pass - fail format, especially valuing that the participation has been orally and that the publication is in Q1 of their field. At the end of the training period, the student must obtain at least 4 suitable participations for this activity as a whole and a publication in Q1.
Mobility actions: Mobility paid for by travel grants, scholarships or budget for research projects. Face-to-face time (attendance to the event) and non-face-to-face time (preparation of scientific communication). The student's dedication is indicative, but the Doctoral Program establishes a minimum of 30 hours to achieve the corresponding skills.
NUMBER 4: Short stays (minimum 3 months) foreign research centres... (thesis international mention).
Optional character.
Number of hours: 450
Basic data: Stay in a research center other than the country in which you develop the doctoral thesis and your academic training (in the case of foreign doctoral students) for a minimum period of 3 months in order to obtain the title of doctor with international mention.
Detail of control procedures: Report of the responsible investigator in the foreign country in favorable/unfavorable terms. The UCLM tutor will favorably assess any communication and/or publication derived from the stay.
Mobility actions: It is an action that necessarily implies mobility. Most of the national and regional pre-doctoral contracts include the possibility of financing this activity. The UCLM also has a grant program for stays abroad, both for those hired through its Own Research Program, as well as open calls for doctoral students hired for R+D+i projects.
NUMBER 5: Symposium of the PhD Program in Chemistry. Preparation and Presentation of the "Research Plan or Annual Research Report" of the Specific Research Topic of the Doctoral Thesis.
Required character.
Number of hours: 50
Basic data: Given the strategic importance of this activity within the Doctoral Program, the student will prepare annually during all the courses in which he is enrolled in the Doctoral Program in Chemistry a Research Plan of the work to be developed in his Doctoral Thesis. This Research Plan will be uploaded to the EID monitoring application for the evaluation of the directors and the tutor of the Doctoral Thesis. After the presentation of the research plan to the tutor and thesis directors, and its evaluation as suitable must be approved by the Academic Committee of the Doctoral Program.
Competences: Contributes to obtaining the following competencies included in the Doctoral Program (section 2 of the Report): CB15, CB16, CA02, CA05, CA06, E3.
Detail of control procedures: Through the tutor and directors of the thesis, who will assess this activity on a scale of pass or fail.
Mobility actions: Does not imply mobility actions. Estimated total dedication: 50 hours.
NUMBER 6: Participation in the UCLM Doctoral Conferences.
Optional character.
Number of hours: 15
Basic data: The UCLM organizes the UCLM Doctoral Conferences every year, open to all doctoral students of this University to present the results of their research through communications.
Detail of control procedures: Certificate of attendance and copy of the communication presented. Control by the tutor and director(s) of the doctoral thesis, who will validate or not the activity carried out.
Mobility actions: This activity does not imply mobility actions.
NUMBER 7: Transversal activities programmed by the International Doctoral School of the UCLM. ( )
Optional character.
Number of hours: 8
Basic data: The UCLM International Doctoral School organizes a series of transversal training activities every year, open to all doctoral students of this University. They are disseminated through the EID website.
Details of control procedures: The completion of these activities and courses are controlled by the tutor and director(s) of the doctoral student, validating them where appropriate.
Mobility actions: This activity does not imply mobility actions.