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Special completion call


• To make use of this call, you must submit an application to the Academic Management Units when enrolling, using the official form. In this application, you must indicate your waiver of the ordinary or extraordinary call to be eligible for the special completion call. Remember to also check the corresponding box in the auto-enrollment application.

• If you have applied for this call and later wish to cancel it, you must request it in writing until November 4 at the Academic Management Unit of your campus, using the official form.

• In those Centers where the exams for the Special Completion Call are held before November 11, the cancellation of that call must be requested at least four days before the start of the exams.


You can request the special completion call along with the enrollment.

You can modify/cancel the special completion call until November 4.

In those centers where the exams for the Special Completion Call are held before November 11, the cancellation of that call must be requested at least four days before the start of the exams.



The special completion call can be used by students in the following situations:

• Students who have unfinished subjects (excluding the Bachelor's Thesis or Master's Thesis) that were previously taken, with a total duration of credits equal to or less than 18 credits. In this case, students who want to take advantage of this call must use it for all the subjects that have not been passed.

• Students with unfinished subjects previously taken that are prerequisites (due to exam incompatibility) for other subjects in the same academic year or in two higher academic years, provided that both the prerequisite subjects and the affected subjects are enrolled in the same academic year. In this context, no subject in the curriculum can be considered a prerequisite for the Final Degree Project.

• Students who have not yet completed the Bachelor's Thesis may use the special completion call in accordance with the regulations governing it.


General Considerations:

• Professors will adapt the assessment methods to the nature of the special completion call and its temporal planning in the official academic calendar. If this is not possible due to the characteristics or duration of the training activities and evaluation tests planned, students will not be able to make use of this call. This circumstance will be announced appropriately in the Course syllabus.

• It should be noted that the special completion call will be subject to the official curriculum programs of the subjects in force in the previous academic year, as stated in the corresponding course guides. In this regard, the faculty may retain the evaluation of those training activities that have been passed by the student in the previous academic year, without prejudice to the student's right to repeat those activities.

• Non-attendance to the special completion call will result in the consumption of one examination opportunity for academic and administrative purposes.