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Credit recognition

In general, credit recognition refers to the acceptance by the University of Castilla-La Mancha of credits obtained by students in official higher education programs at this or another university, which are counted towards obtaining an official degree.

Credit recognition can be requested under the following circumstances:

  • Credit recognition between official undergraduate programs.
  • Credit recognition between undergraduate programs and degrees from the university system prior to RD 1393/2007.
  • Credit recognition for university activities: Up to 6 optional credits can be recognized for student participation in university activities, cultural activities, sports, student representation, solidarity, and cooperation at UCLM.
  • Recognition of non-university higher education studies: Studies completed in vocational training programs can be recognized in official undergraduate programs based on the agreement between the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha and UCLM for the recognition of studies between UCLM and higher-level vocational training cycles (CFGS) offered in Castilla-La Mancha.
  • Credit transfer implies that all credits successfully completed in official programs previously pursued, whether at the same university or another, which did not lead to the obtaining of an official degree, will be included in the official academic documents certifying the completed studies.




Article 13.1 of the Recognition and Transfer of Credits Regulations at UCLM establishes that the university may establish one or two annual application periods for students to apply for credit recognition and transfer, in order to organize the process during enrollment periods.

  • Through the Virtual Secretary, students can request recognition for work experience or professional experience, for higher-level vocational training programs, or for subjects passed in previously pursued university programs.
  • First period: from June 18 to October 1, 2024.
  • Extraordinary period first term: from October 2 to November 1, 2024
  • Second period: during the modification of enrollment period in February (February 6-14, 2025). Recognition requests can be submitted until February 16.
  • The recognition of optional credits for university activities must be requested during the official ordinary enrollment period, using the official form. However, students who are about to complete their studies may request the recognition of optional credits outside the aforementioned period.



For credit recognition:

• Program of the subjects for which recognition or transfer is requested, indicating the number of credits, stamped by the original institution (only if you come from another university).

• Academic transcript of completed studies (only if you come from another university).

• Study plan from the original institution (only if you come from another university).

 • For certifications, subject programs, and study plans from foreign universities, they must be properly legalized. • For credit recognition based on university activities, the corresponding certification should be provided.


For credit recognition based on work and professional experience:

• Work history certificate issued by the Social Security.

• Certificate from the company or companies where you have carried out the activities eligible for recognition, signed by the Director of Human Resources or a person holding a similar position, certifying the functions performed by the worker. In the case of self-employed workers, this document is not necessary, although the Recognition and Credit Transfer Commission of the institution may request additional documentation if deemed appropriate.

• Memo written by the student explaining the tasks performed in different positions and how, in their opinion, they have allowed them to acquire some of the competencies inherent to the degree for which they are seeking academic recognition.

Note: The subjects for which recognition is requested will be processed as enrolled and recognized. Once your request is resolved, your enrollment will be modified to cancel the subjects for which you have explicitly requested not to be enrolled. Subject cancellation will not be possible if the minimum enrollment requirement for your chosen program is not met.



You can consult the regulations governing these adaptations in the Guidelines for the Implementation of New Degrees, Phasing out of Old Degrees, and Adaptation of Students.

To adapt to a new study plan, you must submit your application within the specified timeframe at the Academic Management Unit, using the official form. Please note that if you are planning to adapt, it is essential to complete this procedure prior to enrollment.

According to the provisions of Royal Decree 1393/2007, undergraduate degrees can be implemented in two ways: SIMULTANEOUSLY for one or more years, or PROGRESSIVELY.

Simultaneous (immersion): It involves phasing out the current program year by year and implementing one or more years of the new degree program. This model requires students to transition from the current system to the ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System). 

Progressive: It involves phasing out the current degree program year by year. Once a course is phased out, the university must provide procedures that allow students to complete that course within the following two academic years.


Recognition of secondary education completed abroad:

• If you are enrolling for the first time in a program and you don't have the definitive resolution from the Ministry of Education regarding your foreign studies that could grant you access to the university because it is still being processed, you must provide a copy of the provisional document provided by the respective organization when you formalize your enrollment.

• Important: If you are in this situation, your enrollment will be considered provisional. You will not be able to be evaluated in the subjects you have enrolled in until you provide the Academic Management Unit of the campus where you are studying with the supporting document that confirms the recognition.

• Students from the European Union and countries that have signed the corresponding agreement must follow the access procedure to official undergraduate programs established by the Ministry of Education for students coming from foreign educational systems with qualifications equivalent to the Spanish Baccalaureate degree (Order EDU/1161/2010).