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Double degrees and simultaneous studies

The University of Castilla-La Mancha offers students a range of double degrees to which those interested may apply for admission after pre-enrolment within the officially established general deadlines.

Within the offer of places for official UCLM studies, a specific offer of places will be established for the institutional double degree itineraries. 

Allocation of places

The allocation of these places will be decided in accordance with the provisions of R.D. 412/2014 on access to university studies. Students who pre-register for the Undergraduate Entrance Examination (PAEG) will consider, for the calculation of the admission mark, the grades obtained in the subjects they have taken in the Specific Phase linked to the main degree (the one that appears first).


Curricular itinerary of double degree

The double degree involves the completion by the student in a single curricular itinerary institutionally programmed, those corresponding to two different degrees simultaneously. At the end of the joint curricular itinerary, students will obtain both degrees. In the academic year indicated, the following double degree courses will be offered:

- Double Degree Law - Economics (Albacete)

- Double Degree Economics - Law (Albacete)

- Double Degree Law - Business Administration and Management (Toledo)

- Double Degree Law - Business Administration and Management (Cuenca)

- Double Degree Law - Business Administration and Management (Ciudad Real)

- Double Degree Law - International Studies (Toledo)

- Double Degree Business Administration and Management - International Studies (Toledo)

- Double Degree Nursing - Podiatry (Talavera)

- Double Degree Audiovisual Communication - Journalism (Cuenca)

- Double Degree Business Administration and Management - Tourism (Cuenca)

- Dual Degree Primary Education Teacher - Early Childhood Education Teacher (Albacete-Ciudad Real-Cuenca)

- Double Degree History - History of Art (Ciudad Real)

- Double Degree History - Geography, Territorial Development and Sustainability (Albacete-Ciudad Real-Cuenca)

The degree of experimentality established in the corresponding public price order will be applied for the economic settlement of the enrollment.



Enrollment in Joint Programs of Double Degrees or Master's degrees cannot be done on a part-time basis. In the first year, the set number of credits in the corresponding curriculum must be completed, or the number of credits can be reduced by a maximum of 20%. This reduction cannot result in enrolling in less than 60 credits under any circumstances.

In subsequent years, the number of credits to be enrolled can be increased or decreased by a maximum of 20% of the average credits per year. This reduction cannot result in enrolling in less than 60 credits under any circumstances.

The average will be calculated by dividing the total number of credits in the curriculum by the number of years it consists of.



The subjects for which recognition can be obtained are defined in the design of the double degree through a specific recognition table between the subjects of both degrees. This is without prejudice to other recognitions that may apply based on the UCLM's Credit Recognition and Transfer regulations.


Scholarship application

For possible scholarship acquisition, students will be considered affiliated throughout their enrolment in the double degree program with the primary program assigned (the program listed first). Students must submit their scholarship application for the primary degree (e.g., for the Double Degree in Law and Business Administration, the scholarship application will be made for the Law studies). This circumstance must be considered by students for all regulatory purposes established by the annual scholarship call from the Ministry of Education.



A student who wishes to withdraw from the double degree program after starting it can do so at the beginning of an academic year by requesting a transfer from the double degree to one of the individual programs included in the double degree. In this case, the recognitions obtained will be reviewed, and those obtained based on the double degree project will be cancelled.

The joint degree program's teaching schedule, including class schedules, locations, and exam dates, will be announced with sufficient notice and may or may not coincide with the teaching schedules of each individual program within it.



Students who meet the requirements for official undergraduate or postgraduate university programs and wish to simultaneously pursue two study programs to obtain two official titles of the same academic level can do so through one of the following pathways:

  • Admission Procedure for Simultaneous Studies: Under this system, students who are already enrolled in a first official degree program at any Spanish university, including the University of Castilla-La Mancha, can simultaneously pursue a second official degree program of the same academic level (Bachelor's or Master's). To do so, they must meet the following requirements:
    • Have completed at least 60 credits (in the case of Bachelor's studies).
    • Bachelor's studies cannot be combined with studies from the previous university education system that led to the completion of the first degree.
    • In the allocation of places, priority will be given to students who do not wish to pursue simultaneous studies.
    • If authorized to pursue simultaneous studies, students coming from another university must inform the university where they are enrolled in the first degree program.
  • Institutional Double Degree Pathway: Students can enroll in a double degree program of the same academic level, either Bachelor's or Master's, with a pre-defined curriculum established by the University. Interested students must apply for pre-registration for the double degree program during the regular application period.
  • Interuniversity Double Degree Pathways: These are pathways established through agreements with other Spanish or foreign universities. Through these agreements, students can simultaneously obtain both degrees offered by the respective universities.

Students who pursue simultaneous studies at UCLM will be subject to the provisions outlined in the Progress and Continuity of Bachelor's and Master's Students at UCLM.