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Rama de Ciencias

Máster Interuniversitario en Nanociencia y Nanotecnología Molecular

Icono del Area del estudio
60 Créditos totales
45 Obligatorios
15 Trabajo Fin de Master

Número de plazas
Lugares de impartición
Facultad de Ciencias Ambientales y Bioquímica de Toledo




60 ECTS x 18,87 €/ECTS + 73,73 € tasas de Secretaría = 1.205,93 €/año académico

Información General

El Máster en Nanociencia y Nanotecnología Molecular responde al perfil académico e investigador a través de una oferta de asignaturas en áreas científicas y tecnológicas de interés actual como son la Electrónica Molecular, el Nanomagnetismo y la Espintrónica Molecular, la Química Supramolecular, la Física de Superficies, o la Ciencia de los Materiales Moleculares. La orientación 'molecular' de este master en Nanociencia lo hace único a nivel nacional y permite desarrollar aquellos aspectos de la nanociencia que se encuentran en la intersección entre la física, la química y la biología/medicina, haciéndolo realmente multidisciplinar.

 The joint Master's in Molecular Nanoscience and Nanotechnology responds to academic and research profiles through the range of courses it offers in scientific and technological areas of interest today such as molecular electronics, molecular nanomagnetism and spintronics, supramolecular chemistry, surface physics, and molecular materials science. Its 'molecular' orientation in nanoscience is unique in Spain and this allows exploring those aspects of nanoscience that are found at the intersection between physics, chemistry, and biology/medicine, making this program truly multidisciplinary.


El carácter interuniversitario del Máster (i) posibilita la movilidad de los estudiantes en actividades de formación programadas en las distintas sedes (presentación pública de trabajos, ciclos de conferencias, exposición de trabajos y otros eventos); (ii) dota al máster de un nivel científico y de una multidisciplinaridad no alcanzable por ninguna de las universidades por separado, ya que consigue reunir una plantilla de profesorado formada por los mejores investigadores de cada una de las universidades participantes; iii) favorece la consolidación en España de una comunidad de jóvenes científicos formados en esta área de investigación estratégica; (iv) propicia la movilidad de los estudiantes en las distintas sedes para la realización de determinadas fases del proyecto de investigación.

The master's interuniversity nature: (i) enables student mobility in organized training activities at its various locations (public presentations of work, lecture series, work exhibitions, and other events); (ii) affords a scientific and multidisciplinary level unattainable by any of the universities individually, as it has managed to assemble a body of faculty comprised of the finest researchers from each of the participating universities; (iii) favors the consolidation in Spain of a community of young scientists trained in this strategic research area; (iv) encourages student mobility at its various locations for completing certain stages of the research Project.


  • Que los estudiantes sean capaces de desarrollar un trabajo de investigación en equipo.

  • Que los estudiantes hayan adquirido los conocimientos y habilidades necesarias para seguir futuros estudios de doctorado en Nanociencia y Nanotecnología.

  • Que los estudiantes de un área de conocimiento (p.e. física) sean capaces de comunicarse e interaccionar científicamente con colegas de otras áreas de conocimiento (p.e. química en la resolución de problemas planteados por la Nanociencia y la Nanotecnología Molecular.

  • Conocer los fundamentos de física del estado sólido y de química supramolecular necesarios en nanociencia molecular.

  • Conocer las aproximaciones metodológicas utilizadas en Nanociencia.

  • Adquirir los conocimientos conceptuales de la química supramolecular que sean necesarios para el diseño de nuevos nanomateriales y nanoestructuras.

  • Conocer las principales técnicas de nanofabricación de sistemas moleculares.

  • Adquirir los conocimientos básicos en los fundamentos, el uso y las aplicaciones de las técnicas microscópicas y espectroscópicas utilizadas en nanotecnología.

  • Conocer el "state of the art" en nanociencia molecular.

  • Adquirir conocimientos conceptuales sobre los procesos de auto-ensamblado y auto-organización en sistemas moleculares.

  • Conocer el 'state of the art' en nanomateriales moleculares con propiedades ópticas, eléctricas o magnéticas.

  • Evaluar las relaciones y diferencias entre las propiedades macroscópicas de los materiales y las propiedades de los sistemas unimoleculares y los nanomateriales.

  • Evaluar la relevancia de las moléculas y de los materiales híbridos en electrónica, espintrónica y Nanomagnetismo molecular.

  • Conocer las principales aplicaciones biológicas y médicas de esta área.

  • Conocer las principales aplicaciones tecnológicas de los nanomateriales moleculares y ser capaz de situarlas en el contexto general de la Ciencia de Materiales.

  • Conocer los problemas técnicos y conceptuales que plantea la medida de propiedades físicas en sistemas formados por una única molécula (transporte de cargas, propiedades ópticas, propiedades magnéticas).

  • Conocer las principales aplicaciones de las nanopartículas y de los materiales nanoestructurados - obtenidos o funcionalizados mediante una aproximación molecular- en magnetismo, electrónica molecular y biomedicina.


  • Ability to conduct group research.

  • Acquire the necessary knowledge and skills in order to follow future doctoral-level training in nanoscience and nanotechnology.

  • Capability of students from one area of knowledge (e.g., physics) to communicate and interact scientifically with colleagues from other areas of knowledge (e.g., chemistry) in the resolution of problems arising in molecular nanoscience and nanotechnology.

  • Understand the necessary fundamentals of solid state physics and supramolecular chemistry in molecular nanoscience.

  • Understand the methodological approaches used in nanoscience.

  • Acquire conceptual knowledge of supramolecular chemistry necessary for designing new nanomaterials and nanostructures.

  • Know the main nanofabrication techniques of molecular systems.

  • Acquire basic knowledge of the fundamentals, use, and applications of microscopic and spectroscopic techniques used in nanotechnology.

  • Know the state of the art in molecular nanoscience.

  • Acquire conceptual knowledge of self-assembly and self-organization processes in molecular systems.

  • Know the state of the art in molecular nanomaterials with optical, electrical, or magnetic properties.

  • Evaluate the relationships and differences between the macroscopic properties of materials and the properties of unimolecular systems and nanomaterials.

  • Evaluate the relevance of molecules and hybrid materials in electronics, spintronics, and molecular nanomagnetism.

  • Know the main biological and medical applications of this area.

  • Know the main technological applications of molecular nanomaterials and be capable of placing them within the general context of materials science.

  • Understand the technical and conceptual problems of measuring physical properties in systems formed by a single molecule (charge transport, optical properties, magnetic properties).

  • Know the main applications of nanoparticles and nanostructured materials - obtained or functionalized by a molecular approach - in magnetism, molecular electronics, and biomedicine.

Se trata de un Máster destinado a formar a estudiantes en el campo de la Nanociencia y la Nanotecnología con la finalidad que puedan desarrollar una actividad profesional en este campo, o una actividad investigadora conducente a una Tesis Doctoral. Ámbitos de conocimiento en que se inscribe: fundamentalmente en las áreas de química, física, ingenierías, ciencia de materiales, bioquímica, farmacia y medicina.

La temática del Master se encuentra en la intersección entre la Nanociencia/Nanotecnología y los sistemas moleculares. Incide por tanto en áreas científicas de interés actual como son Electrónica Molecular, el Magnetismo Molecular, la Química Supramolecular, la Física de Superficies, la Ciencia de los Materiales Moleculares, la Bioquímica o la Biotecnología.


The objective of this Master is to prepare students in the Nanoscience and Nanotechnology fields in order to be able to carry out a professional career in this area or a research activity leading to a doctoral thesis. This Master encompasses several disciplines: chemistry, physics, engineering, materials science, biochemistry, pharmacy and medicine.


The syllabus of the Master is somewhere in between the Nanoscience/Nanotechnology fields and the molecular systems. Therefore, it explores scientific areas of increasing interest such as Molecular Electronics, Molecular Magnetism, Supramolecular Chemistry, Surfaces Chemistry, Molecular Materials Science, Biochemistry or Biotechnology.

Perfil de ingreso
This Master is recommended to those students with degree in Physics, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Pharmacy, Biotechnology, Biology or Chemical, Electronic or Materials Engineering  interested in multidisciplinary research. It is a step to the doctoral studies in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology.

It is necessary to hold any of the following qualifications in order to access Master’s studies:


Official Spanish university degree.


Foreign higher education degree officially recognized as equivalent to an official Spanish university degree.

Degree issued by a higher education institution belonging to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) authorizing, in the issuing country, access to official Master’s studies.

Official degree approved by the educational systems outside the EHEA.

It is also necessary for students to demonstrate a B2 level knowledge of English, which guarantees that they can follow the theoretical classes.



Students who meet these requirements, can be admitted to the master according to the following specific entrance requirements and assessment of the merits criteria:

Assessment criteria of merits

Academic Record (80%)

English Language Skills superior to the minimum required (10%)

Other CV merits (10%)

Acceso y matrícula

La  SOLICITUD DE PREINSCRIPCIÓN se realizará exclusivamente on-line. Antes de iniciar la preinscripción en este Máster, por favor, consulta atentamente el siguiente documento de ayuda:







Revisa la web del Máster en el que estés interesado/a. Apartados recomendados: Acceso y Matrícula, Perfil de Ingreso, Plan de estudios…


Accede a la aplicación web de Preinscripción para cumplimentar tu solicitud, donde podrás consultar las instrucciones facilitadas para este proceso y la documentación requerida para el acceso al Máster deseado. En la aplicación encontrarás también la opción para descargar modelos de documentación requerida e información de interés

Estado solicitud preinscripción: INICIAL


Cumplimentada y revisados los datos, asegúrate de ‘Confirmar’ la solicitud y adjuntar la documentación requerida en la solicitud

Estado solicitud preinscripción: CONFIRMADA


La solicitud, una vez confirmada, será revisada por la UGAC del campus que hayas seleccionado para la impartición del Máster

Estado solicitud preinscripción: PENDIENTE REVISIÓN

4.1-SUBSANACIÓN (Si procede)

En el caso de que la solicitud no esté correcta o falte documentación, se notificarán en tu correo electrónico los aspectos a subsanar para que tu solicitud de preinscripción sea validada

Estado solicitud preinscripción: PENDIENTE DE DOCUMENTACIÓN


Si todo está correcto conforme a lo requerido, la UGAC validará tu solicitud. En este momento la solicitud será valorada por la Comisión Académica del Máster según los criterios de admisión definidos en la web del título (Apartado: ‘Perfil de ingreso’)

Estado solicitud preinscripción: VALIDADA


Tu solicitud será resuelta dentro de los plazos de admisión indicados en la web del Máster (Apartado: ‘Acceso y Matrícula’)

Estado solicitud preinscripción: ADMITIDA


Una vez ADMITIDO/A en el Máster, recibirás una notificación en el correo electrónico detallado en la solicitud, con el plazo asignado (cita de automatrícula) para que puedas realizar la Automatrícula on-line

Estado solicitud preinscripción: MATRICULADA


La matrícula formalizada quedará pendiente de presentar en la UGAC del Campus correspondiente, antes del 31 de octubre de 2025, los originales y copias de los documentos incluidos en tu Preinscripción, a fin de comprobar la veracidad de los datos de acceso. En caso contrario, la matricula se anulará de oficio


La fecha de inicio de las clases y horarios serán actualizados en el apartado ‘Organización docente’ de la web del Máster


Consulta a través de CAU cualquier incidencia relacionada con el proceso Preinscripción/Matrícula de Máster en la UCLM (Tu duda/consulta será registrada y recibirás respuesta lo antes posible).





Plan de estudios


M1. Introduction to the Master on Molecular Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Basic concepts (6 ECTS)

M1. Introducción al Máster en Nanociencia y Nanotecnología Molecular: Conceptos básicos (6 ECTS)

Content: Basics concepts of chemical terminology in molecular systems, quantum mechanics and computational chemistry, statistical thermodynamics, solid state physics and materials science.


Content: Top-down and bottom-up approach to nanoscience. Low-dimensionality concept and size-dependent phenomena. Fundamentals in nanophysics: nanomechanics, nanomagnetism, nanotransporte and nano-optics. Nanomaterials and nanostructures: main kinds of systems and general preparation methods of nanoparticles and thin films (chemical vapor deposition (CVD), physical vapor deposition (PVD), liquid phase deposition: spin coating, layer-by-layer, Langmuir Blodgett etc.)

M3. Physical characterization techniques (4,5 ECTS)

M3 Técnicas físicas de caracterización (4,5 ECTS)

Content: Microscopy and spectroscopy techniques for characterizing nanostructures: resolution and typology of the information obtained; applications to molecular systems. Optical microscopies: confocal microscopy; NSOM microscopy (near-field scanning optical microscopy). Electronic microscopies: SEM (scanning electron microscopy) and TEM (transmission electron microscopy). Proximity microscopies. STM (scanning tunnelling microscopy). Surface study and atoms and molecular manipulation. Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM): basic principles; measurement modes; elastic local properties measurement; application of AFM to nanobiotechnology: biomolecules, tissues and membranes images; other proximity microscopies: lateral force microscopy, magnetic force microscopy, electrostatics force microscopy. Spectroscopic techniques: photon spectroscopies, X-ray spectroscopy, electronic spectroscopy. Characterization and analysis techniques of surfaces: high energy electronic diffraction (RHEED) and low energy electronic diffraction (LEED); surface electronic spectroscopies: X-ray photoelectron (XPS) and Auger (AES) spectroscopy; surface mass spectrometries.

M4. Physical nanofabrication techniques (3 ECTS)

M4. Técnicas físicas de nanofabricación (3 ECTS)

Content: Optical lithography and electron beam litography. Fundamentals and limits; types of the resins used; pattern design and dimension measurements. Nanomanufacture by ion beams. Nanolithography by nanoprinting and microcontact: fundamentals, types of templates and printings. Methods based on proximity microscopy: local oxidation method and other nanolithographies based on AFM; molecules nanomanipulation; nanomanufacture and nanomanipulation based on STM and SNOM.

M5. Basic concepts of supramolecular chemistry (3 ECTS)

M5 Conceptos básicos de la química supramolecular (3 ECTS)

Content: Basic concepts in supramolecular chemistry: non-covalent interactions nature; ion, molecule and biomolecule recognition; molecular self-assembly and self-association: biological examples; kinetics and thermodynamics aspects; self-assembly by coordination bonds; hydrogen and other non-covalent bonds. Molecular topology: catenanes, rotaxanes and knots. Molecular devices: molecular diads and switches, logical doors, sensors. Signal amplification and antenna effect. Nanoparticle synthesis. Tensoactives: monolayers, micelles, vesicles and capsules.

M6. Molecular Nanomaterials: Preparation methods, properties and applications (6 ECTS)

M6 Nanomateriales moleculares: métodos de preparación, propiedades y aplicaciones (6 ECTS)

Content: Molecular magnetic materials: design, synthesis, characterization and applications of i) magnetic nanoparticles obtained by molecular approach; ii) molecular nanomagnets (single-molecule magnets and single-chain magnets); iii) molecular magnetic multilayers; iv) bistable magnetic molecules. Materials with optical properties: liquid crystals, materials for non-lineal optics, optical limiters, etc.; supramolecular organizers typology and applications. Materials with electrical properties: molecular conductors and superconductors: electronic structures, organization on surfaces and on interfaces, properties and applications (chemical sensors, field effect transistors (FETs), etc). Carbon nanotubes: structures, properties, preparation and organization methods and applications.


M7. Supramolecular chemistry use for preparing nanostructures and nanomaterials (3 ECTS)

M7 Uso de la química supramolecular para la preparación de nanoestructuras y nanomateriales (3 ECTS)

Content: Hierarchical self-assembly and auto-organization: functional nanostructures and supra-molecular materials with interesting physical or chemical properties; design of bio-molecular architectures; design of functional molecules and nanomaterials with a high level of communication with biological systems and its biomedical applications. Organization of supra-molecular structures in surfaces: Self-assembled monolayers (SAMs). Use of self-assembled structures as templates for growing organic and inorganic nanostructures. Self-assembly of nanoparticles. Chirality in surfaces and its relevance in heterogeneous catalysis. Supramolecular polymers and block copolymers.

M8. Molecular electronics (4,5 ECTS)

M8 Electrónica molecular (4,5 ECTS)

Content: Introduction and basic concepts of the electronics based on molecular materials and the singlemolecule electronics. Charge transfer and transport in molecular materials and nanostructures. Supramolecular electronic devices: circuits, diodes, transistors, etc. Singlemolecule electronic devices. Molecular machines. Molecular materials for optoelectronic devices: photovoltaic cells, OLEDS, etc; Device structures and types; physical principles; constituent materials; comparison with inorganic devices. Molecule based detectors, sensors and actuators with chemical and biological interest; chemical sensors based on metallic oxides nanostructures. Materials processing techniques and molecular device preparation. Experimental and theoretical studies of charge transfer through molecules and molecular cables. Optical properties and electronic spectroscopy of sinlgemolecule systems. Experimental studies of the mechanisms for energy dissipation.

M9. Molecular nanomagnetism and spintronics (4,5 ECTS)

M9 Nanomagnetismo y espintrónica molecular (4,5 ECTS)

Content: Research in magnetic nanostructures and magnetic interfaces through the magnetic force microscopy (MFM) and the magnetic resonance force microscopy (MRFM). Magnetic domains study with spin polarized STM microscopy. Experimental detection of the magnetic moment in singlemolecule systems. Molecular spintronics.

M10. Current topics in molecular nanoscience and nanotechnology (6 ECTS)

M10 Temas actuales en nanociencia y nanotecnología molecular (6 ECTS)

Content: This course is integrated in the European School on Molecular Nanoscience (ESMolNa). This school intends to provide a suitable framework to show and extensively discuss the state-of-the-art in the molecular nanoscience and nanotechnology


M11. Master dissertation (15 ECTS)

M11 Trabajo Fin de Máster (15 ECTS)

Content: Development of a research dissertation in this area.


Organización docente

Calendar course 2024-25

Introduction Module

M1.- Different schedule in each university. Contact your local coordinator.


Basic Module

M2 to M6.- from 13/1/2025 to 31/1/2025 in Universidad Miguel Hernandez (Elche, Alicante)
Monday to Friday, from 9:00 to 13:30 and 15:00 to 19:30
Saturday, from 9:00 to 13:30
Exam date: 27/3/2025 Second-chance (recuperación): 30/4/2025


Advanced Module

M7 to M9.- from 5/5/2025 to 16/5/2025 in in Universidad Miguel Hernandez (Elche, Alicante)
Monday to Friday, from 9:00 to 13:30 and 15:00 to 19:30
Saturday, from 9:00 to 13:30
Exam date: 18/6/2025 Second-chance (recuperación): 10/7/2025

M10.- ESMolNa- from 19/5 to 24/5 in Elche or nearby
This course is organised as a European School. More info here


Master dissertation Module (TFM)

M11.- Students have to make a public defence of their dissertation. Dates will be stablished by each university.


M1. Introduction to the Master on Molecular Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Basic concepts

  • Fernando Langa, José Miguel Colino, Rosa Mª Fandos.

M2. Fundamentals in nanoscience.

  • Joaquín Fernández Rossier, Juan José Palacios, María Luz Rodríguez, Francisco Romero

M3. Physical characterization techniques.

  • Rodolfo Miranda, Roberto Otero, Juan Francisco Sánchez, Carlos Untiedt

M4. Physical nanofabrication techniques.

  • Maria A. Díaz, Ricardo García

M5. Basic concepts of supramolecular chemistry.

  • Enrique García-España, Fernando Langa, Tomás Torres

M6. Molecular Nanomaterials: Preparation methods, properties and applications.

  • Eugenio Coronado, Fernando Langa, Carlos Martí, Tomás Torres

M7. Supramolecular chemistry use for preparing nanostructures and nanomaterials.

  • Guillermo Mínguez, Catalina Ruiz, Ángela Sastre, Fernando Langa,Tomás Torres

M8. Molecular electronics.

  • Hendrik Bolink, Enrique Ortí, Juan J Palacios, Tomás Torres

M9. Molecular nanomagnetism and spintronics.

  • Julio Camarero, Eugenio Coronado

M10. Current topics in molecular nanoscience and nanotechnology.

This course is integrated in the European School on Molecular Nanoscience (ESMolNa). This school intends to provide a suitable framework to show and extensively discuss the state-of-the-art in the molecular nanoscience and nanotechnology


M1. Introduction to the Master on Molecular Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Basic concepts (6 ECTS) Teaching Guide


UA: Carlos Untiedt, Carlos Sabater, Javier García Martínez

UAM: Rodolfo Miranda, Roberto Otero, Félix Zamora, María Victoria Martínez

UCLM: José Miguel Colino, Rosa Fandós, Fernando Langa,

ULL: Javier González Platas

UMH: Fernando Fernandez Lázaro, Ángela Sastre

UV: Efrén Navarro, Alejandro Gaita

UVa: Miguel Á. Rodríguez, María Luz Rodríguez

Content: Basics concepts of chemical terminology in molecular systems, quantum mechanics and computational chemistry, statistical thermodynamics, solid state physics and materials science.



M2. Fundamentals in nanoscience (4,5 ECTS) Teaching Guide

Professors: Joaquín Fdez Rossier, Juan José Palacios, María Luz Rodríguez, Mónica Giménez Marqués

Content: Top-down and bottom-up approach to nanoscience. Low-dimensionality concept and size-dependent phenomena. Fundamentals in nanophysics: nanomechanics, nanomagnetism, nanotransporte and nano-optics. Nanomaterials and nanostructures: main kinds of systems and general preparation methods of nanoparticles and thin films (chemical vapor deposition (CVD), physical vapor deposition (PVD), liquid phase deposition: spin coating, layer-by-layer, Langmuir Blodgett etc.)

M3. Physical characterization techniques (4,5 ECTS) Teaching Guide

Professors: Rodolfo Miranda, Roberto Otero, Juan Francisco Sánchez, Carlos Untiedt 

Content: Microscopy and spectroscopy techniques for characterizing nanostructures: resolution and typology of the information obtained; applications to molecular systems. Optical microscopies: confocal microscopy; NSOM microscopy (near-field scanning optical microscopy). Electronic microscopies: SEM (scanning electron microscopy) and TEM (transmission electron microscopy). Proximity microscopies. STM (scanning tunnelling microscopy). Surface study and atoms and molecular manipulation. Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM): basic principles; measurement modes; elastic local properties measurement; application of AFM to nanobiotechnology: biomolecules, tissues and membranes images; other proximity microscopies: lateral force microscopy, magnetic force microscopy, electrostatics force microscopy. Spectroscopic techniques: photon spectroscopies, X-ray spectroscopy, electronic spectroscopy. Characterization and analysis techniques of surfaces: high energy electronic diffraction (RHEED) and low energy electronic diffraction (LEED); surface electronic spectroscopies: X-ray photoelectron (XPS) and Auger (AES) spectroscopy; surface mass spectrometries.

M4. Physical nanofabrication techniques (3 ECTS) Teaching Guide

Professors: Maria A Díaz, Ricardo García 

Content: Optical lithography and electron beam litography. Fundamentals and limits; types of the resins used; pattern design and dimension measurements. Nanomanufacture by ion beams. Nanolithography by nanoprinting and microcontact: fundamentals, types of templates and printings. Methods based on proximity microscopy: local oxidation method and other nanolithographies based on AFM; molecules nanomanipulation; nanomanufacture and nanomanipulation based on STM and SNOM.


M5. Basic concepts of supramolecular chemistry (3 ECTS) Teaching Guide

Professors: Enrique García-España, Fernando Langa, Tomás Torres 

Content: Basic concepts in supramolecular chemistry: non-covalent interactions nature; ion, molecule and biomolecule recognition; molecular self-assembly and self-association: biological examples; kinetics and thermodynamics aspects; self-assembly by coordination bonds; hydrogen and other non-covalent bonds. Molecular topology: catenanes, rotaxanes and knots. Molecular devices: molecular diads and switches, logical doors, sensors. Signal amplification and antenna effect. Nanoparticle synthesis. Tensoactives: monolayers, micelles, vesicles and capsules.


M6. Molecular Nanomaterials: Preparation methods, properties and applications (6 ECTS) Teaching Guide

Professors: Eugenio Coronado, Fernando Langa, Carlos Martí, Tomás Torres, Samuel Mañas 

Content: Molecular magnetic materials: design, synthesis, characterization and applications of i) magnetic nanoparticles obtained by molecular approach; ii) molecular nanomagnets (single-molecule magnets and single-chain magnets); iii) molecular magnetic multilayers; iv) bistable magnetic molecules. Materials with optical properties: liquid crystals, materials for non-lineal optics, optical limiters, etc.; supramolecular organizers typology and applications. Materials with electrical properties: molecular conductors and superconductors: electronic structures, organization on surfaces and on interfaces, properties and applications (chemical sensors, field effect transistors (FETs), etc). Carbon nanotubes: structures, properties, preparation and organization methods and applications. 



M7. Supramolecular chemistry use for preparing nanostructures and nanomaterials (3 ECTS) Teaching Guide     Teaching Guide Addendum Form 

Professors: Guillermo Mínguez, Ángela Sastre, Tomás Torres 

Content: Hierarchical self-assembly and auto-organization: functional nanostructures and supra-molecular materials with interesting physical or chemical properties; design of bio-molecular architectures; design of functional molecules and nanomaterials with a high level of communication with biological systems and its biomedical applications. Organization of supra-molecular structures in surfaces: Self-assembled monolayers (SAMs). Use of self-assembled structures as templates for growing organic and inorganic nanostructures. Self-assembly of nanoparticles. Chirality in surfaces and its relevance in heterogeneous catalysis. Supramolecular polymers and block copolymers.

M8. Molecular electronics (4,5 ECTS) Teaching Guide   Teaching Guide Addendum Form  

Professors: Hendrik Bolink, Enrique Ortí, Juan J Palacios, Tomás Torres

Content: Introduction and basic concepts of the electronics based on molecular materials and the singlemolecule electronics. Charge transfer and transport in molecular materials and nanostructures. Supramolecular electronic devices: circuits, diodes, transistors, etc. Singlemolecule electronic devices. Molecular machines. Molecular materials for optoelectronic devices: photovoltaic cells, OLEDS, etc; Device structures and types; physical principles; constituent materials; comparison with inorganic devices. Molecule based detectors, sensors and actuators with chemical and biological interest; chemical sensors based on metallic oxides nanostructures. Materials processing techniques and molecular device preparation. Experimental and theoretical studies of charge transfer through molecules and molecular cables. Optical properties and electronic spectroscopy of sinlgemolecule systems. Experimental studies of the mechanisms for energy dissipation.

M9. Molecular nanomagnetism and spintronics (4,5 ECTS) Teaching Guide Teaching Guide Addendum Form

Professors: Julio Camarero, Eugenio Coronado, Samuel Mañas

Content: Research in magnetic nanostructures and magnetic interfaces through the magnetic force microscopy (MFM) and the magnetic resonance force microscopy (MRFM). Magnetic domains study with spin polarized STM microscopy. Experimental detection of the magnetic moment in singlemolecule systems. Molecular spintronics.

M10. Current topics in molecular nanoscience and nanotechnology (6 ECTS) Teaching Guide Teaching Guide Addendum Form

Content: This course is integrated in the European School on Molecular Nanoscience (ESMolNa). This school intends to provide a suitable framework to show and extensively discuss the state-of-the-art in the molecular nanoscience and nanotechnology.


M11. Master dissertation (15 ECTS) Teaching Guide

Content: Development of a research dissertation in this area.

The Institute for Nanoscience, Nanotechnology and Molecular Materials offer its laboratories for the education of the students. See: https://www.uclm.es/centros-investigacion/inamol/
Apoyo y Orientación

The students can use as support the scientific equipment of the “Instituto de Nanociencia, Nanotecnologia y Materiales Moleculares” de la UCLM en el Campus de Toledo  (INAMOL)

Prácticas externas e instituciones

Las prácticas externas en empresas e instituciones permiten al estudiante conocer la realidad empresarial y laboral de su entorno, dentro de sus respectivas profesiones y le facilita la transición al mercado de trabajo.

La UCLM cuenta con el Centro de Información y Promoción de Empleo (CIPE) que ayuda a nuestros estudiantes y egresados a preparar su entrada en el mercado de trabajo mediante el desarrollo de competencias, los contactos con empresas e instituciones y la utilización de las herramientas adecuadas.

Por último, la UCLM cuenta con el programa UCLMEmprende cuyo objetivo es el fomento del emprendimiento entre estudiantes y egresados.