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Scholarships and study grants

Application for Ministry of Education and Vocational Training Scholarship (2024-25)

Enlace con Información Institucional del Ministerio sobre esta convocatoria

Application period from March 19 to May 10, 2024

  1. The application must be completed using the online form accessible through the electronic headquarters of the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training at the following address: https://sede.educacion.gob.es or www.educacionyfp.gob.es.
  2. Students who apply for a scholarship but do not meet the academic requirements may be required to pay the tuition fee upon enrollment.

Components of the Scholarship, amounts of the grants, and income thresholds.

Components of the Scholarship,

Amount of the aid

Applicable income threshold*.

Enrolment scholarship

Amount of credits enrolled for the first time.


Fixed amount linked to income.

1700 €


Fixed amount linked to residence.

Actual cost of student residence during the academic year. Maximum of 2500 €.


Variable amount

Variable depending on the final budget availability and distributed based on academic performance and income of the students (minimum 60 €).


Amount linked to academic excellence


50€ - 75€ - 100€ or 125€ (according to grade point average starting from 8.00)





Consult the criteria for determining taxable income and assets in the scholarship application.

Academic requirements from the previous academic year:

  1. New students: Those who, holding a high school diploma, access university through the entrance examination and enroll for the first time in the first year of undergraduate studies, must obtain the required admission grade to be eligible for the different components of the scholarship, excluding the score obtained in the voluntary phase. The admission grade will be calculated according to the formula 0.6·NMB + 0.4·EvAU. For other pathways to university admission, the grade obtained in the respective examination or course that grants access to university will be considered.

Scholarship components

Access Mark

(1º Curso)


Tuition fee scholarship, Income-linked grant, Residence-linked grant, Variable amount, Academic excellence-linked grant.



Grade requested for each amount

  1. Applicants for scholarships in second and subsequent courses must have successfully completed the following percentages of the credits enrolled in their most recent studies:

To obtain all the components of the scholarship

Field of knowledge

% credits to complete

Arts and Humanities




Social science and Law


Health science


Engineering and architecture



Those who opt for partial enrollment (enrolled in 30-59 credits) and do not enroll in all the credits they could, may be eligible for the tuition fee grant and the minimum variable amount if they pass all the credits they were enrolled in.

The academic performance does not consider recognized or transferred credits in undergraduate studies.

Academic requirements for the academic year in which the grant is requested:

  • To be eligible for a grant, applicants for Bachelor's degree programs must be enrolled in a minimum of 60 credits in the 2023-24 academic year, i.e., in full-time academic dedication. If enrolled in a higher number of credits, all of them will be taken into account for the assessment of academic performance.
  • However, students who enroll in between 30 and 59 credits in an academic year may also be eligible for the grant (only tuition fee grant and variable amount). For the purposes of this call, this situation is referred to as partial enrollment, and the rules described in the call will apply.
  • The minimum number of credits set in the previous paragraphs that the student must be enrolled in for the year in which they apply for the grant will not be required, once only, in the case of students who need to complete a number of credits less than that minimum to finish their studies, provided they have not been grant recipients for more years than specified in the call.
  • Students pursuing engineering and architecture programs may receive a grant for two additional years beyond the established duration of the curriculum.
  • Students pursuing programs in other fields of knowledge may receive a grant for one additional year beyond the established duration of the curriculum.
  • When there is a change of university studies completed partially or in full as a grant recipient, no grants can be obtained for the new studies until the number of enrolled courses in them exceeds the number of years in which the grant was received for the abandoned studies.
  • Students wishing to receive a study grant must consider the minimum number of credits required by the corresponding call. In this regard, it is possible to reduce up to 50% of the course load for students with disabilities of 65% or higher.


Other considerations to keep in mind:

The amount of the tuition fee grant will cover the cost of the credits in which the student is enrolled for the first time in the 2023-24 academic year. The amount will be based on the official public price set for academic services in the 2023-24 academic year.

  • Credits that exceed the minimum required for obtaining the corresponding degree will not be included in the tuition fee grant.
  • Universities will verify that students have used the grant for its intended purpose, requiring that university students pass at least 50% of the credits enrolled in the ordinary or extraordinary call (40% for science and technical fields of study). Failure to meet this requirement will result in the reimbursement of all components of the grant except for the tuition fee grant.
  • You can consult the General Call for Scholarships at the following link: General Call for Scholarships MEFPD 2024-25.


  • The deadline to submit the scholarship application will be from March 19 to May 10, 2024, at 15:00 hours.
  • Scholarship applications must be submitted within the specified deadlines, even if they do not coincide with the corresponding enrollment period.
  • However, scholarship applications may be submitted after the indicated deadlines and until December 31, 2024, under exceptional circumstances specified in the call.

Other study grants:

  • Collaboration grants from the Ministry of Education.
  • Collaboration grants in UCLM services.
  • Erasmus program grants.